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Change is your choice.

For years I lived a life that I was not happy with.

I felt my weight was holding me back from being the best I could be, from who I truly wanted to be. I wore baggy clothing to hide myself away, swam with a t-shirt on so that no one could see me. It got in the way of the hobbies l love, like mountain biking and snowboarding, making it hard to climb up a hill, or sitting down to do up my bindings. This embarrassment and shame carried through my life and affected me in far deeper ways than I realized. To deal with it all, I would self-medicate myself with poor food choices, tobacco, and cannabis. This brought no change to my life but instead allowed my unhappiness to continue.

Figuring out what was needed in my life took a drastic event. In 2015 my wife was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. She attempted to treat this through natural, non-conventional methods, which left me feeling helpless. I figured that the only one I could change, could care for, and improve was myself.

It started with a gym membership. I worked out every morning and started to see some change. I felt better about myself, what I could accomplish, and who I was becoming. My goals were being accomplished. I felt like I was changing for the better. My mindset was evolving and growing. My emotional state improved immensely. But it was not until I addressed my diet and dialed in my nutrition that the transformation truly came.

Fast forward two and a half years and I  dropped close to 85 pounds and lost over 25% body fat. While I enjoy the way I look, the best part of this change is how I feel. Physically, I am able to do more and do it more easily. But emotionally, I feel that I can do anything I am willing to put the work into. Moving my physical experience has shown me that anything is possible and attainable.

Let me help you discover what lies beneath the doubts and excuses. Let the time be now that you make up your mind to change, to put in the work, to become that person you want to be. It is in your grasp. Let me help you reach it.

Brett Kril

CanfitPro Certified Personal Trainer Specialist

Succession is change

Succession is a process of change that occurs naturally. In a forest there are events that can spark a drastic renewal. A lightning strike can be the igniting force that burns down a mature forest. While seemingly stable and fully developed, a forest is vulnerable and can change in an instant. What results is the chance for new seeds to be planted, for new growth to take place, and new roots to take hold. Embracing this concept into our own lives and way of viewing our health, we can see how the decision to change our life can come from both external or internal sources.

Don’t leave your health to chance. Be the changing force that moves you more fully into who you truly want to be.